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Famous blogger around the world...

I have to admit I was disappointed by Tavi Gevinson's blog, I was sure (I am still sure) is not a 13-years old girl's blog. Is impossible for such a young girl to have so many information about fashion, is impossible for a girl to remember so many images from magazine or catwalk from the past, and to make connection between, for example, 90's trend and 2010 catwalks. BUT! At least whoever is making that blog is doing a really good work, and has a really good taste and a fresh vision.
In Italy we are not so lucky, our most famous blogger is Chiara Ferragni....she has really different skills, she appears in her questionable outfit almost everyday....she doesn't give her personal view about trends and fashion, she just wear really famous brands outfit, she doesn't do any research, she doesn't say anything new...

and let's say she not really sophisticated...


  1. questa riflessione pungente ci sta, ci sta :-)

  2. Figo! Bello!
    Tavi credo sia quello che lei dice di essere, vedendo video e interviste. Credo che ormai abbia qualcuno che l' aiuti a essere sempre sulla cresta dell' onda, sempre aggiornata e credo che un pò sia anche la sua passione. Del resto può essere che una bambina si interessi di moda, come si può interessare di musica.
    Purtroppo noi non siamo così fortunati, è vero, ma magari in futuro si :)

  3. I have to say, I am in total awe of Tavi. I'm 27 years old, have been writing professionally for almost four years, and, at 14, she inspires me with her writing skills. Her passion for the fashion industry is admirable and she's got lots of knowledge.

    I, too, live in Italy and follow Chiara Ferragni's blog. Most of all, I find myself wondering how the hell she pulls off NEVER wearing the same outfit twice - is that humanly possible? Her pictures are great, but as with many bloggers, she's not the one taking them. I'm kind of over this kind of blogging where the blogger positions themselves as the center of attention at all times.

    Italy does have some blogging talent, though. Visit or, or why not for some true inspiration. Whoever's most famous is not always the most talented.

  4. @Sasha and Airali's Couture
    As I wrote I don't believe Tavi is doing the blog by herself, but I like what she post!
    I will check the blog you suggested me, thanks! I'm quite new in this blogworld! but for sure what is famous is not always the best!
    @Elsewhere: happy someone agree with my point of view!

  5. Concordo pienamente con tutto ciò che hai scritto.
    Specialmente l'ultima parte, insomma, è davvero vergognoso .__.


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