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Mercato Monti - my favourite market in Rome

Yesterday I've been to Mercato Monti, wich is a small nice market in one of my favourite Rome area, the market is held inside a Hotel in Rione Monti, just behind colosseum.
The exibitors are mostly young designer, not all of them has their own shop, so you can find them only in the market, and they have some stylish items with really cheap prices.

there are also some vintage booth

you can find not only fashion designer!
And then I had to go for a short stroll between the lovely shops near Via del Boschetto.

but it was only window shopping...on sunday shops are all closed


  1. ma questo posto è meraviglioso.. perchè io non ne sapevo niente?! =/ cmq il tuo blog mi piace molto (l'ho trovato per caso tramite fashionlista) e ti seguo molto volentieri.. ^^

  2. Ciao Fragolina!
    sono contenta che ti sia piaciuto il post! ad anche il blog :)
    Mercato Monti si svolge a rione monti circa una volta al mese, all'interno di un albergo.
    Sono contenta se mi segui!
    a presto allora!


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